Friday, July 25, 2008

leaving DC: lessons learned

so today is my last day of work - at least in this small office that I have spent WAY too much time in for the past few months. 7 months spent in Washington, DC. it sounds like a fairly long time, but it has gone by fast. which is okay by me, as I can't wait to go to Minnesota and then on to Egypt!

DC has been an interesting experience. I needed it - and have learned many things during this time. With regards to work, I've learned a lot about management, starting a non-profit, tact, communication and working independently. I've had to make the wise decision by not accepting a managerial job that I couldn't handle in Ramallah, and I've had the frustration of working alone and with very little support in a situation with decreasing motivation. I've had a boss who loves me but does the "hearing but not listening" thing, and a colleague who is a perfectionist and a control-freak. all in all, a great experience. and looking back, not only was I incredibly lucky to get a job so quickly after moving to DC, but also to have one with the flexibility and the opportunity to contribute that I've had. not the perfect experience, but with a lot of quality lessons learned.

on a personal note, I've also learned a lot. about myself: that I am a fool when it comes to guys, that I am emotionally unstable, and that I am more sensitive to hurts from people around me than I like to admit. yes yes, overly serious observations. on the other hand, I guess I'm affirmed in my ability to get through difficult situations, my affinity toward other people, and my confidence.

what I've learned about 'others' (in general): that I can't expect Americans to be like Egyptians, that people all have their own concerns and problems, that no one is good at everything, that I will probably never have the perfect manager, that I cannot expect to be friends with everyone, and that there are just some situations that are best left alone. now: we'll see if I have any idea what these vague inclinations mean when I read this post a year from now. :)

in moving on from DC, I feel thankful that I had this time here. as cheesy as that sounds, I know that I needed this time to re-adjust myself to many things. not hating America was a good one (and realizing that as much as I and many of my friends like to think we are losing our 'Americanness' we still very much ARE.) drinking beer again, shopping, running and spending too much money were also new adjustments (maybe not always well-adjusted), and I needed some time to level out in many ways.

speaking of moving on - I'm excited! looking forward to a month in Minnesota, talking with my brothers, seeing family and swimming in the Walsh's pool, hanging out with friends. and beyond that, back to Egypt on Sept 3. back to a life of insanity and life-stressors, but hopefully with a better perspective and situation this time. and nerdy Arabic study! and once again, throwing myself out there with a desire to do something interesting and 'good' with my life. whatever a 'good life' will be for me.

as Toni and I were saying one day recently: "If I can't be a superhero, what can I be?"

and on we go! :)

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