Monday, August 30, 2010

goodbye for now

Well, this is my last post for the summer. I've been in Cairo for the past couple weeks, enjoying the Ramadan season with friends. Even while on 'vacation' in Egypt, I've found many interesting conversations happening, particularly about the Ground Zero mosque controversy happening in the U.S.  Many of my Muslim friends have heard about this debate happening, and it has fed more into cynicism that Americans have something against Islam and Muslims.  I've received some email forwards claiming Muslims around the world are seeking world domination, and that there is a slow creeping of sharia law in the West. My friends here know that the true spirit of Islam, and the teachings and life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are totally against this principle.

However, others of my friends also admit that Islam (as any religion) can be easily manipulated to support political agendas.  In this, Islam joins Judaism and Christianity as having stains on its record.  However, I hope that Muslims in America do not feel isolated from the rest of our society, because we need them.  The danger I see in this mosque debate is the anti-Muslim tone that it has taken. This could have negative consequences for all of us in the future.

Anyway, I am expecting more conversations about the mosque in NYC when I get back, and I for one am glad that at least some people out there (ex. Mayor Bloomberg and Jon Stewart) are rationally responding to it. I'm happy to be getting back to New York, the park, and even studying. :)  I expect to be taking a break from blogging for awhile, so for those of you who read a few posts over the past months, thank you!

 It was an unforgettable summer. As always, I look forward to the next time I'm back in the Middle East.


romalie said...

Jenna, thanks for blogging over the summer; I enjoyed reading your entries. Best wishes for your return to school...

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