Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hebron's very own Robin Hood

There is another place along with medieval England that has a scourge of the rich and a defender of the poor. Stealing from the wealthy and sharing the gold in the streets. Yes, Hebron seems to have its own Robin Hood.

Hebron's Robin Hood is an unlikely character. We stumbled upon him outside the Old City at about 11pm, wearing a black polo shirt, jeans and white tennis shoes while puffing avidly on cigarettes. As he railed against Israel and the Occupation, rich businessman profiting from the political situation and the mukhabarat (security services) interference in daily life, he seemed just another slightly deranged, frustrated man on the street. But I did wonder where he got his new black designer polo shirt....

And then I heard his real story. Raised in an abusive household, he started stealing during his early teenage years. Quickly developing a reputation as a thief among the all-knowing Palestinian community of the Old City, he continued to hone his craft and began more daring feats. Throughout, he had bouts of time in prison and run-ins with the police. But each time, he persevered and returned to steal again.

But Robin Hood steals from the rich. The rich Palestinians of Hebron, those with mansions; the banks and big businesses that are glaring peculiarities in this economically-deprived city. One of his most daring feats was a full-scale bank robbery, which he followed up by distributing gold to his neighbors in the Old City streets. (So I'm told). Always, he shares his loot, giving money to all his large family, neighbors, and friends. He also has a soft spot for certain friends, and has been known to warn some NGOs of upcoming raids planned on their facilities.

As someone told me, “if he kept all he stole, he would be the richest man in Hebron.” But Robin Hood is generous, and subversive. Money is not the reward of theft. Rather, the reward is a life rebelling against all the cruel forces that turn innocent children into thieves and make poor beggars of Palestinians deprived of their dignity and freedom. So Robin Hood lives on, and unlikely hero in Hebron. Even if he does like to buy a black designer shirt now and again. :)


Dave A said...

Love it. Great story, Jenna. I just posted a bit of a character study too. Can I make a shameless plug for my blog? :)

Not quite as subversive as yours, but hopefully interesting.

Jenna Magee said...

thanks Dave. love the plug for your blog :) I've been reading yours btw, it's great! i loved the one about Veronica :)

Darin Zeidan said...

the best part of it that he is wearing Polo shirt hahahaha i like the story Jenna you are sharing very good stories about the my country i never heard about them before ;)