Tuesday, July 28, 2009

back to minnesota

Minnesota, the land of lakes, meat and potatoes, long vowel sounds and polite drivers. :) i'm back.

back with a smile on my face, but with mixed feelings as always. Today I drove into Buffalo for the first time in a year.... and oh Buffalo, you look the same as ever. Beautiful, quiet, somewhat empty. There's so much space in this part of the world. Spacious parking lots, big buildings and stores, big houses, big lawns. Everything just seems big.

and it's great to see my family again. I love coming home to the comfort of dinner around the table, calm conversation, and jokes about the upcoming family reunion.

I also miss who I left behind. I miss Kufr Qara - for its beauty and quiet. Sometimes I still have fond memories of Cairo as well ;) - for its chaos and life. But I miss the people I've left.... some of the best people I've ever known. And some who changed my life. All of you, I hope to see again, maybe sooner than later. :)

I love life, I just wish it was less complicated sometimes. So.... I write this happy to be back in Buffalo, happy to see my family - and remembering to love both those here, and those who I had to say goodbye to.

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