Monday, September 22, 2008

why I 'love' Arabic

There are a few reasons why I love the Arabic language.  Most are completely sarcastic ones, and the word 'love' can really be replaced by 'frustrated by' or even 'hate' on the bad days.  But here are a few tidbits for your enjoyment.

1.  Arabic verbs have a sickly number of conjugations.  I have so far learned four tenses (command, present, past and future) and so far the total number of conjugations is 56.  That's 56 forms of each verb that I have to know.

2.  In Arabic you don't just say - that's my book, or that's his car.  You have to put a special ending on the noun (ex. book, car) to indicate that it is yours, mine, or his.  Oh, and Arabic also separates everything according to male or female.  So, there are 14 different suffixes that you can attach to any noun, in order to indicate a possessive.

3.  The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters, which can be written in different ways depending on where they fall in the word.  There are also vowel symbols that are written in to let you know how to pronounce the word and distinguish between one word and another with the same letters.

You know, I was going to write more but I think that's all I can handle for now.  I don't want to depress myself.

But I just wanted you to know.  So please don't ask me if I'm fluent yet.   Think of me with pity once and awhile, and if you decide to learn another language, I suggest Italian or Spanish.

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